Showcasing the next generation of child health researchers

Fostering an environment of learning and mentorship is an integral part of Child Health Research Days. The abstract competition is a wonderful opportunity for trainees to share their research and build important connections within our community. 

About the competition

Each year, we are proud to host an abstract competition within Child Health Research Days. This competition is an opportunity for CHRIM trainees, residents, and technicians to showcase their science, build community connections, and learn vital skills to further their careers in child health research.

We accept abstracts from Manitoba investigators at any career stage who are conducting research focused on pediatric health and disease. Read more about the abstract competition below, and how you can participate. 


Before you can submit an abstract, you must register to attend the conference

Review Guidelines

These guidelines have been developed to help you write your abstract to meet the judges criteria 

Submit Abstract

The deadline to submit an abstract is September 16, 2024 (Midnight)